Dennis Batbayli

DNA magazine covermodel Dennis Batbayli, from Germany, won Search for a DNA swimsuit model on the all-gay cruise in April 2007. Photography by Pedro Virgil.

Alberto Jorrin

Alberto Jorrin was born in 1982 at the north of Spain, in a small town called Aguilar de Campoo. He is living in Madrid right now. He has studied computer engineering but works only as model and actor, because that is he loves to do in his life. He is continue getting his PHD in control proccess, but he thinks that his future is still as actor. He is a professional model in Madrid (Spain). He has done some TV advertising campaigns (Ford, Reyal-Urbis, Foltene PHARMA, Schwarzkopf, El corte inglés, ShockWaves,Movistar,BRAUN, Pepsi,…). Also he has done editorials (GQ, Avenue, DNG, Vogue…), fashion shows (CIbeles,IBERPIEL,Gaudí,…), Spanish TV Series (“No somos Angeles”, “Cuenta Atrás”),…. He is looking for a chance to work out of Spain. So he is waiting for an interesting offer. He can speaks English and German.

His email address is We all wish him great success.

Milo Ventimiglia Part 2

Milo Ventimiglia Part 1

Milo Anthony Ventimiglia (born July 8, 1977) is an American actor. He is best known for his roles in the NBC series Heroes as idealistic hero Peter Petrelli and in the family-oriented television series Gilmore Girls as Rory’s rebel boyfriend Jess Mariano. His last name, “Ventimiglia”, literally translates to “twenty miles” in Italian.