Category Archives: model

Rafael Verga – more pics

Another set pics of Rafael Verga
Rafael Verga
Rafael Verga
Rafael Verga
Rafael Verga
Rafael Verga Rafael Verga
Rafael Verga Rafael Verga

Roei Klein

Israeli model Roei Klein. He’s 6 feet tall and has modelled for underwear brand, “Castro Men”.
Roei Klein
Roei Klein
Roei Klein
Roei Klein
Roei Klein
Roei Klein
Roei Klein

More pics of Roei Klein in our album.

Mark Sandilands

Mark Sandilands was born in Sydney Australia on the 1st of January 1980. He is a personal trainer who runs his own business and has done so for the past 5 years. He absolutely loves what he does cause he has such a strong passion for helping people change their lives.
Mark Sandilands
Mark Sandilands
Mark Sandilands
Mark Sandilands
Mark Sandilands
Mark Sandilands

Tim Robards

Tim Robards from Down Under. He is a 23-year-old swimsuit model. This 6′2″ hunk also appeared in a Nokia commercial and as a Keanu Reeves double in the Matrix. His hobbies inlclude working out, playing touch football, swimming and surfing.
Tim Robards
Tim Robards
Tim Robards
Tim Robards Tim Robards
Tim Robards Tim Robards
Tim Robards Tim Robards

Cameron Byrnes

Cameron Byrnes – cover model of DNA magazine

Cameron Byrnes
Cameron Byrnes
Cameron Byrnes
Cameron Byrnes
Cameron Byrnes
Cameron Byrnes
Cameron Byrnes

More pics of Cameron Byrnes in our album.

Leonardo Corredor

Leonardo Corredor
Leonardo Corredor was born on February 27, 1989 in Mérida. Aside from being an actor, he was recently selected as the Gran Modelo de Venezuela 2007-2008. — official site

Leonardo Corredor
Leonardo Corredor
Leonardo Corredor Leonardo Corredor

Fabiano Post

Fabiano Post – another hot man from Ye Olde Terra.

Fabiano Post Fabiano Post
Fabiano Post Fabiano Post
Fabiano Post
Fabiano Post
Fabiano Post Fabiano Post