Category Archives: model

More pics of Rodrigo Guirao

Found more pictures of Rodrigo Guirao.

Rodrigo Guirao Rodrigo Guirao
Rodrigo Guirao Rodrigo Guirao
Rodrigo Guirao
Rodrigo Guirao Rodrigo Guirao

Rodrigo Massa

Rodrigo Massa
Height: 178cm
Weight: 60Kg
Rodrigo Massa
Rodrigo Massa
Rodrigo Massa
Rodrigo Massa
Rodrigo Massa
Rodrigo Massa
Rodrigo Massa
Rodrigo Massa
Rodrigo Massa
Rodrigo Massa
Rodrigo Massa

Matt Walch

Matt Walch
Matt, 22, a student at the University of Idaho,who also wants to be a structural firefighter, has been discovered by the modelling industry and as he becomes known outside the Pacific Northwest of the United States, has just completed a major photo shoot to bring him much more recognition as a fashion and fitness model.
Matt Walch

Matt’s stats and interests:

height 6’3″
weight-215 (bulked) 205 (cut)
favourite movie-Old School (always a good laugh)
music-country all the way! Garth Brooks, George Staight, and Alan Jackson
book-any thing western
Matt Walch

His personal website:

Matt Walch Matt Walch
Matt Walch Matt Walch

Dímitrís Valchos

Dímitrís Valchos (Δημήτρης Βλάχος) was born on October 31, 1981 in Athens.
He was involved in the reality TV program Fame Story. He’s evidently done some modeling and perhaps some acting.
Dímitrís Valchos Dímitrís Valchos
Dímitrís ValchosDímitrís Valchos
Dímitrís Valchos Dímitrís Valchos
Dímitrís Valchos Dímitrís Valchos
Dímitrís Valchos Dímitrís Valchos
Dímitrís ValchosDímitrís Valchos
Dímitrís ValchosDímitrís Valchos
Dímitrís Valchos
Dímitrís Valchos
Dímitrís Valchos

Dudi Balsar

Dudi Balsar is a Israeli Handball player and model.
Dudi Balsar
Dudi Balsar
Dudi Balsar
Dudi Balsar Dudi Balsar
Dudi Balsar Dudi Balsar
Dudi Balsar Dudi Balsar
Dudi Balsar Dudi Balsar
Dudi Balsar Dudi Balsar
Dudi Balsar Dudi Balsar
Dudi Balsar Dudi Balsar

Marc Savoia

Marc Savoia
Mark Savoia is an Australian television host, and one of the travel guides on Logo TV’s Round Trip Ticket. This actor/model gets to travel around the world reporting on the hottest spots for GLBT travelers, as well as interview noteworthy locals at each new destination.
Marc Savoia
Marc Savoia Marc Savoia
Marc Savoia Marc Savoia
Marc Savoia Marc Savoia
Marc Savoia Marc Savoia
Marc Savoia Marc Savoia
Marc Savoia Marc Savoia

Michael Churchill

22 Year Old New Jersey Model, Michael Churchill
Michael has been modeling for 3 years now, and has done various shoots for websites, books, DVDs and catalogs.
Michael Churchill
Michael Churchill
Michael Churchill Michael Churchill
Michael Churchill Michael Churchill
Michael Churchill Michael Churchill
Michael Churchill Michael Churchill
Michael Churchill Michael Churchill